Saturday, June 18, 2011

Skirataki Temple.... never again.

Today, me and my friend Chris went to do my Shiritaki Temple quest. He was on his legendary so we could go through quick. Being the showoff he is, he decides to put every blade and trap he can on the death oni (my quest). I then leave to get more health (i was about to die) and he sends me this message: "I ACCIDENTALY CLICKED DRAGON". I immediately port back only to find the Oni dead. Yes, dead. And he wouldn't come back. So, we now have to do the entire dungeon again. Well... I made him do it again while I waited. He's currently doing it as I blog this... I'm kind of extremely mad. So there's my story of the day. Shiritaki Temple sucks. We got every boss back, BUT the Death Oni. I mean really KingsIsle? You had to make me re-do the entire thing? Goodnight.

Love you all, Katie.

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